Thursday, January 3

For The Love Of God Someone Bring Back Sweet Caroline

today i went to my bartender in training job. instead of
being greeted by sweet cool bartender girl Caroline who
usually trains me (she was out sick) there was a tall,
ape-like, failed Hollywood actor, conceited man in her

conceited man would say things like, 'you know what?
how 'bout i get that...' when i took stools down off the bar
or 'how about you relax and just shadow what i do' when
i started to get ice from the ice machine or 'yeah...i wasn't
good at spearing olives either when i first started' while
watching me put olives on a toothpick for martinis. He
even put water in an empty Vodka bottle and had me
practice pouring water out into rock glass 75 times in
a row which was dumb because the manager walked
by and nearly had a heart attack as it appeared that I
was pouring and dumping several glasses of good Vodka
down the drain. Sheesh!

it was a slow night and i thought by 8pm i'd rather kill
myself then hear any more about what natural acting talent
he has and how this bartending thing is just 'temporary'
(he's been there 4 years) the highlight of my night was
waiting for him to poison all of the customers by leaving
the metal shovel in the drinking ice which he did and
Caroline said was a BIG no no.

i miss Caroline. down with the conceited ape man who
doesn't talk about Yoga or music or living in London or
traveling in Italy or swimming or men.

Wednesday, January 2

today a man at the 2nd Ave deli forced me
to try chopped liver and i actually liked it.

today my mom spent 14 minutes telling me
the proper way to open an oyster and i actually
didn't mind listening.

Tuesday, January 1

Spicy food seems to follow me around like a shadow

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