Thursday, December 19

Laura Bush Language

Is Laura Bush from our country? I only ask
because when I watch a television program
such as Barbara Walter's 'Most Fascinating
People Of 2003' (don't ask) I could barely
understand her:

Regular Speech------------Laura Bush Speech

Christmas Tree-------------Christmas Dree
My husband------------------Myhuband
Christmas Cheer------------Christmas Jeer

Wednesday, December 18

More Than Donuts is bummed that she
went ahead and opened her big mouth.

Tuesday, December 17

4 1/2 Hours

Person that should be required to endure a 4 1/2 hour

The President of the United States of America

Person that should not be required to endure
a 4 1/2 hour meeting:


Monday, December 16

TP and Tapas

It's great when you go out with a pile of new
friends-drinking wine, eating tapas-and at the
end of the night just when you think to yourself
'wow. I hope they had as much fun meeting me!'
you happen to notice a two-foot trail of toilet paper
sticking out from the back of your pants.

What more is there to say, really?

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