So you thought I was just a regular blogger, huh? Someone with just a normal, boring past. Well...(snort) hold on to your hats people because here is a little tale about my famous past:
Me at age 3 or 4 in a bank ad for one of my dad's clients for a LI newspaper. I didn't get to keep the doll. Mean, cruel bank people:
Me as kid appearing in a PSA or something with Lorne Greene of Bonanza TV show fame. I didn't get to keep the notebook although I may have gotten to keep Loren Green's hand seeing as it appears to be permanently attached to mine:
Me as Alice in Alice in Wonderland - 3rd grade play. As you can see I did the entire play with my eyes tightly shut. That takes serious talent people:
My whole family in a batting cage with famous Red Sox people none of whom I can name until my husband gets home and does so for me because I know nothing about sports:
My first MTV ID out of 6 or 7 that I eventually gathered and lost on and off at some point in my life. Anyone that works at MTV is COOL MAN:
A scary 'headshot' taken for me for my column in my college newspaper. I look small and meek and not unlike whats her face from 'Everyday Italian' on The Food Network. Also apparently wearing a cone bra and never heard of this thing we call 'plucking eyebrows':
A personal and sweet letter from Antonio Ordonez - star bullfighter of Hemingway's 'The Sun Also Rises' who wanted me to marry his grandson who is now a good friend:
Me and Artimus Pyle - former drummer of Lynyrd Skynyrd and his son who I was dating at the time and some midget wearing a spooky hat (my hat's cool...ya dig?):
The 'Stuff the Turkey' game that I designed for Nickelodeon's show "Double Dare" that was actually played on air. Game involved - Mom and Dad stand at one end of room holding giant turkey. Kid catapults fake stuffing balls dipped in gravy towards Mom and Dad. Most in hole wins. Um yeah Dad. I promise I'm using my college degree I swear! :
Stay tuned for more exciting updates from KDunk's famous past!!!