Tuesday, January 7

Don't Go There

The past few days I've been getting really bad
headaches. Prior to the past few days I can
honestly say I have never been a headache
sufferer. These occur mostly at my temples
but sometimes at the back of my head as if
suddenly someone has put an ax in my skull.
Dull. Consistent. Pounding. Owww.

To be proactive, I decided to check out the
National Headache Foundation online. Did
I need more water? Glasses? My cavity filled?

Well, may I NOT recommend the National
Headache Foundation online unless you want
to increase your headache. Thanks to it's 10,000
menu options and loads of useless information
you'd have better luck NOT curing your symptoms
by merely calling Moviefone.

Riding With Rosa

Many thanks to my recent female taxi driver
going by the name of one Rosa Bodega, medallion
number #8B87. Rosa was kind enough to ignore
the aggressive 'I'm gonna knock you down to get
to this free taxi' guy that pushed me aside in the
freezing wind and instead pulled her taxi right up
to me instead. 'Men! Where have their manners
!' she huffed as I stepped inside.

I can officially say that riding in Rosa's taxi was
an experience. The interior was adorned in plastic
roses of every color. A small Dominican flag hung
from the partition next to photos of her smiling
family. Stickers on the windows read things like,
'Anything Is Possible If You Believe' and 'No Need
To Slam Door Please'
. A large supply of banana
clips were clawed around her visor which I assumed
were for any hair emergencies. I closed my eyes
and listened to the Latin music playing and right
when I thought to myself how cozy the seat was
I opened my eyes to discover I was actually sitting
on an Old Navy ad...a fleece covered taxi seat.
Now that is what I call smooth ride.

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