Friday, May 23

Miss Manners

I literally just ate a little glob of cole slaw with my
fingers because I was too lazy to go get a fork from
downstairs. This working with all guys thing is really
starting to pay off in the area of manners.
hee hee.

The best part of having ten million interests
in everything from learning Spanish to knitting
to sewing to excercise to writing to baking to
drawing to playing music to taking photos to
whatever it is that floats my boat at the moment
is that when a long weekend comes up like this
I will be sure to have ten million fun and yummy
things to choose from to keep me happy and
busy no matter if the sun is shining or not. So

Thursday, May 22

Over the weekend I painted silver a rusty pipe in my bathroom.
I put up newspaper behind it and not only until I was done
tacking it up did I realize I'd used the 'dirty' pages taken from
the Village Voice newspaper. Ha.

Guilty confession: I have a little soft spot for John Denver.

Tuesday, May 20

One time I ran into a person I'd just met recently. They
said, I think I saw you 'blading' (rollerblading) in the park.'
This caused the friend I was with to snort beer out their
nose laughing. I hate to excercise so that was
not me.

In other news, last night I went to the gym. I have never
been on a treadmill and was afraid if I turned it on I would
bust into one of those Kramer type moves where I fly off
the back all the while trying to run. Once I figured it out I
got in a groove (much like life-ha-corny). I must say I would
love the chance to meet the brilliant person who came up
with the idea to have 'Access Hollywood' playing at full blast
near the treadmill. I could go all night without even knowing
I was running.

Monday, May 19

I have been close to tears exactly five times today.

Sunday Nights or Monday Mornings...Which Seems More Cruel?

I used to hate Sunday nights. I used to hate Sundays in general.
They represented going back to work and having to deal again
after trying to turn my mind off for the weekend. Now I've met
someone who helps me appreciate my Sundays. Walking
around. Drinkin' beer. Having a BBQ. Taking photos. So here
it is Monday morning at the crack of dawn and I want more
more more of less again.

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