Friday, March 11


This week I attended a party to celebrate the full-time blogging of the legendary Jason Kottke. Jason has made the plunge into full-time blogging for the next year. As a token of my support I 'donated' a dollar towards his good cause. Not a regular dollar but a signed 'good luck' dollar-similar to one you might see hanging in a frame on the wall of a new Chinese restaurant.

The only problem is the dollar read, "Good luck! -KDunk". As in...I forgot the K in Kottke. Sadly, it was not until late last night in the middle of the night that it hit me. I basically handed Jason a dollar bill full of well wishes for a random web site most definitely not his.

I do this sometimes. Spaz-yes-but also wake in the middle of the night as things hit me and I write them down. This morning I read the slip of paper I scrawled on and it said the following:

#1.) 'forgot K in Kottke'

#2.) 'mustache thing/photo on shelf/mustard..."

Here is to the hopes that source of spooky note #2 is revealed shortly.

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