Saturday, October 25

It's possible that More Than Donuts believes
that all the pain and suffering that she and
those around her endured during the World
Series game watching -may have all been worth
it just to watch lame hitting, bad hair geling,
'i run like i have a dump in my pants' Jorge
Posada (thanks Adam) make the last out of
the game leaving the Florida Marlins the 2003
World Series Champs.

Wednesday, October 22

Gift Idea -Buy It

Do you know someone turning 30?

I suggest you buy them this great book
co-written by one of my pals Lockhart.

Wine For Chicks

The other night after a long hard day at work,
I stopped off at the liquor store to buy a nice
bottle of red wine. I walked through the aisles
until I came to a sign under a bottle that caught
my eye. I wish I'd written the exact words down
but the basic description went a little something
like this:

"This warm and soft red is a cozy combination of
many deep flavors encompassing that of blackberry,
honeysuckle and raspberry with a hint of chocolate
and exotic spices."

All it was missing was a complimentary copy of
In-Touch or US Weekly magazine. what...I bought it.
And for the record I didn't taste ANY chocolate.

Hold Everything

Somehow I think the store 'Hold Everything'
is lying to me when they say they can sell
me items that can hold EVERYTHING.

Tuesday, October 21

Who Let The Homeless Woman
Into The Office?

For a fortunate woman who has a lot of
clothes that often live in a giant ball on
the floor of my home, I sure dress like I
found my clothes in a dumpster. I'm day
two on the new job and so far I have worn:

-2 pairs of faded and worn out jeans
-1 black shirt with holes on bottom
-1 sweater with tiny lint balls all over it
-1 pair of shoes with really really bad scuff marks
-1 pair of dirty sneakers
-1 black wool jacket with cat hair on it

At this rate someone at the office is sure to sign
me up for one of those surprise makeovers.

Salad Bar Guy

Sometimes I wish the salad bar guy at the deli
would spend more time dressing my salad rather
then undressing me with his eyes.

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